image: found photo + embellishments

Back in August, I got Covid for the second time and it was pretty bad—worse than the first time, anyway. Somehow while v sick and coughing for a couple weeks, I got … a purple/redgt spot on the head of my dick? It didn’t look worrisome or infected. Close-up it appeared to be a cluster of tiny red dots. It freaked me out when it wasn’t going away and was making me self-conscious. As they say, not unlike happening upon a brown recluse spider, nobody wants to be surprised by a red spot on a dick. Not a single person.

So, I went to the immediate care one evening only to get casual side eye and informed it was some sort of petichiae—essentially a bruise. The nurse said it should go away in a week or two and I felt better but impatient for it to just be gone. But it didn’t go away and I happened to have an appointment with my primary doctor around the three week mark so, I asked again and, again, was told it’s just a bruise. Cool. We love a a dick bruise of some sort that appears mysteriously.

Also coincidentally, I had an appointment with my dermatologist at the 8 week mark. I showed him and he also said it was a bruise (though the post-visit notes said angiokeratoma) … A N D … that it would not go away. He did say, however, for an out-of-pocket fee of $500 he could do a small out-patient elecrocautery procedure to basically burn it off. Was I excited by the prospect of burning my dick with electricity? No. Did I agree to it? Absolutely. Because I wanted that red dot G O N E.

On Monday, I went back to his office and they took a dick pic for my file and then numbed me with some cream and did the procedure. I felt nothing absolutely during the cauterization though I’m kinda sore now. I couldn’t bathe for 24 hours and no alcohol for 48. Gotta keep everything clean and moist with Vaseline for a while. We will look at how things look in 6 weeks and retouch anything missed in the first round.

Everything looks good so far though I think the healing process will be a lot longer than the day or two I’d anticipated. I still have no idea where it came from. Online info says this sort of thing can be caused by coughing, which I definitely did a lot of during my second Covid round. My dermatologist asked me if I’m into penis pumps, which I’m not.

Who knows what caused it but good riddance, dick bruise! I don’t know where you came from but I’m glad to see you go and I’d love it if you never came back.

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Sappho, spelled (in the dialect spoken by the poet) Psappho, (born c. 610, Lesbos, Greece — died c. 570 BCE). A lyric poet greatly admired in all ages for the beauty of her writing style.

Her language contains elements from Aeolic vernacular and poetic tradition, with traces of epic vocabulary familiar to readers of Homer. She has the ability to judge critically her own ecstasies and grief, and her emotions lose nothing of their force by being recollected in tranquillity.

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